Open-Access Article
"Interpreting Texts in Classroom Contexts" by Norman J. Unrau and Robert B. Ruddell (Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 1995)
Unrau and Ruddell propose an instructional model that aims to foster critical dialogue and meaningful interpretation of texts in the classroom. Although published in 1995, the perspective and approach in this article still offer great insights for both researchers and classroom teachers. For researchers, this article demonstrates the significance of developing classroom interventions that are informed by theory but still grounded in authentic classroom contexts. It sets an example for researchers to conduct educational research that benefits actual classroom practices. For teachers, the reading model can be used to engage students in critical meaning negotiation of texts in classroom contexts. Effectively building a community in which the students and teacher can co-construct knowledge is still something that we strive to achieve in today's classrooms, especially during these changing times.
—Reviewed by Xiaochen Du, University of Florida
Unrau, N., & Ruddell, R. (1995). Interpreting texts in classroom contexts. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 39(1), 16–27.