"Culturally Diverse Literature: Enriching Variety in an Era of Common Core State Standards" by Fenice B. Boyd, Lauren L. Causey, and Lee Galda (The Reading Teacher, 2015)
Following a diet containing only a singular food item for the duration of your educational journey would be off-putting for even the pickiest eater. Now, instead of food, consider a diet of a single story, one that contains only the majoritarian narrative. This reading diet is the focus of Boyd, Causey, and Galda's article. They posit that the singular story practice does not correlate with the diverse student populations of schools and classrooms. Reminding readers "that teaching—and especially teaching with literature—is political" (p. 380), the authors' call for additional culturally diverse literature to be published and incorporated into instruction.
—Reviewed by Stephanie Laird, Iowa State University
Boyd, F.B., Causey, L.L., & Galda, L. (2015). Culturally diverse literature: Enriching variety in an era of Common Core State Standards. The Reading Teacher, 68(5), 378–387. https://doi.org/10.1002/trtr.1326
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