"Checking for Understanding Digitally During Content Area Learning" by Douglas Fisher and Nancy Frey (The Reading Teacher, 2015)
Technology integration into content area learning is a continual conversation, not only because of the ongoing innovation and elimination around specific technology tools but also in terms of developing students' digital literacies. An additional consideration that one must look at currently, given the context of remote and hybrid learning, is the efficiency aspect, where a teacher may not have synchronous access to a student demonstrating understanding of a content area standard. As the practitioners in Fisher and Frey's study found, digital tools provide flexibility with regard to when student submissions are accessed and analyzed. Whereas specific technological tools will come and go, the need to check for understanding, whether in remote or face-to-face learning, will remain.
—Reviewed by Stephanie Laird, Iowa State University
Fisher, D., & Frey, N. (2015). Checking for understanding digitally during content area learning. The Reading Teacher, 69(3), 281–286. https://doi.org/10.1002/trtr.1407
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