
Standards for the Preparation of Literacy Professionals

ILA's Standards for the Preparation of Literacy Professionals sets forth the criteria for developing and evaluating preparation programs for literacy professionals.

These standards focus on the knowledge, skills, and dispositions necessary for effective educational practice and highlight contemporary research and evidence-based practices in curriculum, instruction, assessment, and leadership.

Ordering copies of ILA standards

Standards for the Preparation of Literacy Professionals, 2017 Edition is available for purchase.

Adopting the ILA standards

Licensure, certificate, and endorsement programs in the U.S. that prepare literacy professionals may be eligible to earn ILA National Recognition for adopting the ILA standards. Submit an interest form for more information about the process.

About ILA standards

Overarching Standards

Overarching Standards (downloadable PDF)

Overarching Standards

  • 1. Foundational Knowledge

  • 2. Curriculum and Instruction

  • 3. Assessment and Evaluation

  • 4: Diversity and Equity

  • 5: Learners and the Literacy Environment

  • 6: Professional Learning and Leadership

  • 7: Practicum/Clinical Experiences (for specialized literacy professionals only)

Additional ILA standards resources