ILA Bridges

Grade Span: 3–5

Pilgrims and Wampanoag of the 1620s

A Unit to Encourage Perspective for Grade 3

Kathleen Monahan, Laurie Higgins, & Mark Galligan

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Pilgrims and Wampanoag of the 1620s-A Unit to Encourage Perspective for Grade 3

What's Inside

By unlocking the doors to the past and telling the true story of the Pilgrims and Wampanoags, this unit offers the students the opportunity not only to see both sides, but also to appreciate the diverse perspectives that make up our history. Students read, write, and think critically as they discover the true story of the first Thanksgiving. Teachers engage learners in complex text, dynamic discussions, and authentic writing experiences that guide students to creating their own opinions about this period in United States history.

© 2015 | doi: 10.1598/bridges.7014