ILA Bridges

Grade Span: 3–5

Animal Studies

Habitat, Adaptations for Survival, Environmental Factors, and Human Impact—An Interdisciplinary Unit for Grade 4

Erin FitzPatrick & Katie Schrodt

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Animal Studies - Habitat, Adaptations for Survival, Environmental Factors, and Human Impact-An Interdisciplinary Unit for Grade 4

What's Inside

Through this four-week unit, students will engage in a high volume of deep reading in a variety of genres, as they explore diverse habitats, the balance of nature, animal adaptations for survival and the human impact on the environment. Each of these explorations will be paired with writing extensions that will culminate in the creation of a multigenre research project. This interdisciplinary unit is designed to be implemented as a four-step process that culminates in a multigenre classroom project that combines the foundational elements of writers' workshop and reading poetry and multimodal, informational science texts.

© 2014 | doi: 10.1598/bridges.7006