ILA Bridges

Grade Span: 6–8


Facing Adversity—An Interdisciplinary Unit for Grades 6–8

Sharryn L. Walker, Lacey Goble, Kyle Hutchinson, Katie A. Wilson, & Naomi Zornes

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Courage - Facing Adversity-An Interdisciplinary Unit for Grades 6-8

What's Inside

Courage and facing adversity are important themes for students to explore because they apply to all aspects of life. This unit encourages students to stand up for what they believe and to face adversity, particularly as it relates to disabilities. Using Freak the Mighty as the central text, students explore medieval times, technology, bullying, and bravery in whole-class, small-group, and individual settings. Students read a variety of genres and engage in production of a digital anti-bullying film, creation of a castle replica, and a culminating Living Museum project.

© 2014 | doi: 10.1598/bridges.7002