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J. Helen Perkins

J. Helen Perkins

J. Helen Perkins is professor emerita of literacy at the University of Memphis in Tennessee. Helen has a BS in Elementary Education, an MEd in Elementary Education/Reading Specialist, and an EdD in Curriculum & Instruction with a reading focus, in addition to Reading Recovery Certification. She is a former reading/literacy specialist, classroom teacher, and literacy coach. As an advocate for children, Helen is a member of local organizations that advocate for children via providing literacy support and resources.

She has served on several ILA committees. Most notably, she served as coeditor of The Reading Teacher and as a lead writer for the Standards for the Preparation of Literacy Professionals, 2017 Edition. She served as the cochair of the Anti-Racism, Social Justice & Equity Committee and on several other committees. She has contributed to Literacy Today magazine and several ILA events, and she presently serves as the ILA National Recognition Commission chair.

Helen has served as PI and Co-PI on more than $16 million in grants and contracts. She served as the president of the Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers (ALER) and on the NGO Porter-Leath Board of Directors as a member and chair.

Her scholarly work focuses on children and their literacy acquisition and enhancement, including promising literacy practices; she has coauthored an academic book, several articles in peer-reviewed, leading journals, a children’s book, and book chapters; she has conducted numerous hours of professional development with educators to support teacher capacity building; and she has been the recipient of several awards for her work from Southern Methodist University, University of Memphis, ALER, ILA, and the Council of the Great City Schools. She is honored to have received the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Human Rights Award recognizing her devotion to the ideals of social justice and non-violence embodied by Dr. King.