Why Teaching Reading With Instructional Level Texts Isn’t Such a Good Idea After All
February 27, 2025
5:00 p.m.–6:30 p.m. ET
For more than 75 years, teachers have been told that the best way to teach reading is to assign students to texts at their supposed “instructional levels” rather than their grade level. This was thought to be best as it would both avoid texts that were too easy—and therefore wouldn’t support much learning—or too hard, which would frustrate and discourage students. However, a growing body of research shows that most students benefit from working with grade-level texts and that instructional-level texts can severely limit student progress. During this ILA Webinar, Timothy Shanahan will explore relevant research, pose an alternative theory to the instructional level idea, and demonstrate instructional approaches appropriate for successfully teaching with complex text.
Who should register: School-based educators, administrators, teacher educators, and preservice teachers
Registration: $29 for members | $69.00 nonmembers (includes annual membership)
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Sponsored in part by Clemson University