
Exclusive savings at thousands of hotels across the globe

Access our exclusive hotel booking platform that connects you to deeply discounted hotel rates—saving you an average of 26% below publicly available rates at more than 150,000 hotels across the globe, along with providing intuitive search and filter tools and 24/7 U.S.-based customer support offering unrivaled service to meet all your lodging needs.

Exclusive Rates

Access deeply discounted hotel rates available nowhere else—averaging 26% below any publicly available pricing.

Wide Selection

Choose from over 150,000 hotels and resorts available across the globe—from boutique hotels to most major chains.

Added Convenience

Free cancellation at tens of thousands of hotels and 24/7 customer support for any time you need assistance.

  • Exclusive hotel rates available nowhere else—averaging 26% below publicly available pricing
  • Thousands of hotels and resorts available across the globe from every major brand
  • Simple, intuitive search and filter tools for fast and efficient booking
  • Free mobile app download for any user—book on the go, wherever life takes you
  • Free cancellation at tens of thousands of hotels and 24/7 customer support

This benefit is for active ILA members. Sign-in at the top of the page, or join ILA by clicking here!