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Education Researchers: Apply for the IRA Steven A. Stahl Research Grant

 | Aug 31, 2012

November 1, 2012, is the deadline to apply for the US$1,000 International Reading Association (IRA) Steven A. Stahl Research Grant. The grant is generously supported by Katherine Stahl to honor the memory and work of Steven A. Stahl by encouraging and supporting promising graduate students in their research.

The grant is awarded annually to a recipient with at least three years of Pre-K to 12 teaching experience who is conducting classroom research (including action research) focused on improving reading instruction and children’s reading achievement. The research must be conducted in the classroom(s), it must be focused on improving reading instruction and children’s reading achievement, and it must be empirically rigorous.

All applicants must be current IRA members. Applicants may apply for more than one IRA research grant. However, applicants are limited to one research award per year.

A blind review will be conducted by members of the IRA Steven A. Stahl Research Grant Committee. Recommendations for funding will be made to the Association’s Board of Directors for final approval. In late February, all applicants will be notified via e-mail of the outcome of the grant.

Carrice Cummins, Joe Stouffer, Virginia Goatley

The 2013 grant recipient will be encouraged to attend the awards ceremony held at IRA’s 58th Annual Convention in San Antonio, Texas, April 19-22, 2013.

The 2012 grant recipient was Joe Stouffer from the University of British Columbia for the project "The Classroom Impact of Reading Recovery Training: Re-Situating and Examining Reading Recovery-Based Teacher Learning." He is pictured here with IRA President Carrice Cummins and former Research Director Virginia Goatley. 

Visit the IRA Steven A. Stahl Research Grant webpage for information and to apply.

IRA 2012 Research Award Recipients

Awards and Grants from the International Reading Association

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