ILA Bridges

Grade Span: 3–5

The Sun,  Earth, and Moon

Concept-Oriented Reading Instruction for Grade 3

Sara McDonald, Julianne Paul, Emily A. Swan, Kim Knettles, & JaNeal Rodriguez

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The Sun, Earth, and Moon - Concept-Oriented Reading Instruction for Grade 3

What's Inside

This interactive CORI unit engages third graders as they wonder about the sun, Earth, and moon through hands-on discovery and student-centered reading and writing activities. Students set learning goals, ask their own questions, choose projects, work collaboratively, read a variety of interesting texts, gain deep, scientific knowledge, and write their own books to share their knowledge. Tiered literacy instruction enables teachers to provide individualized instruction for ALL students' needs and interests. The excitement for learning will continue long after this unit of instruction is over.

© 2014 | doi: 10.1598/bridges.7007