ILA Bridges

Grade Span: K–2

Exploring Frogs and Toads

Integrating Math, Science, and Language for K–2

Kathleen Burrell, Traci Wagner, & Lisa Moriarty

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Exploring Frogs and Toads - Integrating Math, Science, and Language for K-2

What's Inside

The teachers call it "magic," but this unit is nothing more than an integrated approach to a high-interest science theme. Here the authors share a curriculum that had their students happily practicing language and math skills while discovering the world of frogs and toads. Your students will be absorbed by this rich theme that combines literature with math games, scientific experiments, and artistic exploration. The final project ends with a bang as students practice teamwork, are introduced to public speaking, strengthen language and math skills, and showcase new natural science knowledge.

© 2014 | doi: 10.1598/bridges.7000