Literacy Worldwide - The International Literacy Association

Webinar: September 19

Using Reading Assessments to Empower Teachers and Students



The International Literacy Association (ILA) is a professional organization with a mission of connecting research and practice to continuously improve the quality of literacy instruction across the globe. Learn more ›

September 21 ILA Webinar

Education for Educators
Connect high-quality research to classroom practice.


Webinar: September 12
The role of SEL in enhancing literacy development.


New Resource Collection
Support students' neurodiversity and learning differences.

ILA resources by topic

Explore ILA’s Resources
Browse important topics in the field of literacy teaching.


Rights to Read | Sep 8, 2024
Become an Advocate
ILA publishes an updated and expanded advocacy toolkit for the Children's Rights to Read.

Digital Events | Aug 28, 2024
Presented by Wiley Blevins
Differentiating Phonics Instruction to Support All Learners

Digital Events | Aug 23, 2024
In Partnership With CASEL,
The Role of SEL in Enhancing Literacy Development

ILA News | Aug 12, 2024
In Memoriam: Linda B. Gambrell
Colleagues share their heart-felt memories in this touching tribute to a titan in the field.

Digital Events | Aug 7, 2024
Registration Now Open
Time in Text: Differentiating Instruction for Intermediate Students Struggling With Word Recognition

View all ILA News

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